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I have been granted with 11 projects as Principal Investigator (Total Funding: 526,996 €) in the field of cliff ecology, evolutionary biology and biodiversity conservation. Furthermore, I have been collaborating in 16 international/national projects (as a team member working co-supervising students, involved in fieldwork activities, as data analyst, co-coordinator, and/or WP leader) based on restoration ecology, global change effects in mountain ecosystems, evolutionary ecology and biology (total budget of c. €2,875,128). In the projects that I lead, I have formed a collaborative network with more than 40 researchers from 13 countries (Australia, Italy, South Africa, the USA, Chile, Mexico, Poland, Germany, Greece, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria) and more than 20 Research centers.


September 2023

October 2022

September 2021

July 2021

May 2021

May 2021

November 2020

Dicember 2018

August 2018

March 2018

January 2024

CONCLIFFS - Unravelling evolutionary changes in endemic cliff plants (2023-T1/ECO-29193)

Atracción Talento Investigador César Nombela - Comunidad de Madrid [2024-2029; 336,458€].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 15 researchers / 3 countries.

PRO-ROCA - Conservation of threatened cliff plants in Spanish national parks (3006/2023)

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (OAPN) [2024-2026; 74,988€].

PI: Juan Lorite; co-PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 13 researchers / 2 countries.

Phylogenetic approaches to understand cliff plant evolutionary patterns 

Nachwuchsförderung Forschungsprojecten – Goethe University Frankfurt [2022-2024; 19,800€].

Principal Investigator (PI): Martí March Salas. Team: 10 researchers / 2 countries.

Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on cliff plant adaptation to increasing climbing intensity

and stressful environments

GRADE Foundation [2021-2023; 6,800€].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 9 researchers / 3 countries.

Assessment of the effect of climbing on the conservation of cliff plants in protected areas of Spain (A-RNM-4-UGR20)

FEDER - European Research Funds | Agencia Estatal de Investigación [2021-2023; 50,000€].

PI: Juan Lorite; co-PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 12 researchers / 2 countries.

Is the effect of rock climbing on cliff vegetation mediated by changes in soil composition? (15-2103-0018)

Freunde und Förderer der Goethe-Universität [2021-2022; 2,880€].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 8 researchers / 3 countries.

Conservation of Cliff Microbiome (15-2103-0016)

Freunde und Förderer der Goethe-Universität [2021-2022; 3,250€].

PI: Franz S. Krah / Martí March Salas (co-PI). Team: 5 researchers / 2 countries.

ReCOVIDiv - REcovery of vegetation after COVID-19 disruptions: assessment for bioDIVersity conservation (NGS-82734R-20)

National Geographic Society [2020-2022; $19,800].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 12 researchers / 4 countries.

Assessment of the climbing impact on the flora, mosses and lichens of the Mediterranean cliffs of Chile

Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AAET) [2018-2020; 2,000€].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 12 researchers / 3 countries.

WORLDCLIMB - Climbing impact on cliff vegetation: first large-scale study on the worldwide Mediterranean biome (EC-50532R-18)

National Geographic Society [2018-2021; $9,800].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 24 researchers / 8 countries.

The effect of rock climbing on Mediterranean cliff vegetation: implementation of an innovative and comprehensive methodology

American Alpine Club (AAC) [2018-2020; $1,220].

PI: Martí March Salas. Team: 10 researchers / 4 countries.








Exploring the interactions between cliff mycorrhizal communities and cliff-specialist plants in xeric shrublands of Northeast Mexico

SPUN (Society for the Protection of Underground Networks) - Underground Explorers Application  (2024-2025; 9.860€).

PI: Felipe Morales-Armijo (Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon). 

NitroNiche - Unfolding the role of plant-soil interactions in the evolution of plant resource strategies

GRADE Foundation (2024-2025; 8.000€).

PI: Stefania Przybylska (Goethe University Frankfurt). 

IntraVar - Intra-individual variation: Unravelling Heritable, Spatial, and Temporal Patterns

Svenska kulturfonden (2024-2025; 40.000€).

PI: Charlotte Møller (University of Helsinki). 

ConRoca - Development of a monitoring system for the conservation of rocky flora in the context of global change

FEDER - European Research Funds | Agencia Estatal de Investigación (2024-2025; 12.000€).

PI: Juan Lorite (Universidad de Granada). 

Relative significance of the precipitation variance and predictability for the persistence of populations and natural selection

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. (PDI2020-113428GB-100; 2021-2024; 196.020€).

PI: Patrick S. Fitze (MNCN-CSIC). 

Back to the wild - Combining transplant experiments with the resurrection approach to investigate rapid plant adaptations

The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU). (2021-2024; 66.377€).

PI: Niek Scheepens (Goethe University Frankfurt).

HerbAdapt - Adaptation of understorey herbs to forest management

German Research Foundation (DFG Grant) – Biodiversity Exploratories. (2020-2023; 215.319,6€).

PI: Niek Scheepens (Goethe University Frankfurt).

Genomics of rapid Evolution in Novel Environments (GrENE-net)

GrENE-net - own fundings. [2018-ongoing; No specific funding].

PI: Moises Exposito-Alonso (Stanford University), Niek Scheepens (Goethe University Frankfurt), FranÒ«ois Vasseur (CNRS Montpellier).

Effects of seasonality and environmental colour on life-history evolution

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. (CGL2016-76918-P; 2016-2019; 229.900€).

PI: Patrick S. Fitze (MNCN-CSIC). 


Breathing in the Parks. An initiative to assess Allergenicity of Urban Green Species

University of Granada. (2015–2019; 10.000€).

PI: Paloma Cariñanos (Universidad de Granada). 


Determinants of Behavioural Adaptability to Changing Environment

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. (CGL2012-32459; 2012–2014; €229.320).

PI: Patrick S. Fitze (MNCN-CSIC).


BIOENAH-Botanical Garden Cruz Badiano: project for community recovery of Mesoamerican use of traditional medicinal plants species from native pharmacopoeia in Mexico

University of Granada. (2011–2013; €20.000).

PI: Paloma Cariñanos (Universidad de Granada).


Ecological basis for the restoration of gypsum vegetation

Knauf GMBH. (2009–2018; 455.986€).

PI: Juan Lorite (Universidad de Granada). 


GLORIA-EUROPE - The European Dimension of the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments

Different sources of funding including the European Union (recent funding: Austrian Academy of Science). (EVK2-CT-2000-00056; 2006-2016).

PI: Joaquín Molero (Universidad de Granada). 

ECORUN – Tracking RUNning’s impact on alpine ECOsystems in the Digital Era

Instituto de Investigación en Cambio Global (IICG-URJC) (2024-2025; 3.700€).

PI: Jesús López-Angulo (University Rey Juan Carlos). 


CROPSINVAR - Can INtra-individual trait VARiation alleviate climate change effects on CROPS?

Carlsberg Fundation (2025-2027; 258.881€; Grant CF24-1637). [LINK]

PI: Charlotte Møller (University of Copenhagen). 

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