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JUNIOR RESEARCH GROUP LEADER (Jun. 2024-onwards) – Cliff Ecology Lab. Area of Biodiversity and Conservation, Department of Biology and Geology, Physics and Inorganic Chemistry. University Rey Juan Carlos-ESCET, Madrid (Spain).


POSTDOC RESEARCHER / ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Dec. 2020-June 2024) – Dpt. Plant Evolutionary Ecology. Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity. Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany).

INNOVATION MANAGER – Project Manager & Proposal Writer (Oct. 2019-Nov. 2020) – Innovarum S.L.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/NGS Explorer (Sep. 2018-Aug. 2022) – National Geographic Society.

PhD STUDENT (Jan. 2014-Mar. 2019) – Instituto Pirenaico Ecología (Jaca) / Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales (Madrid). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain) / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain).

RESEARCH ASSISTANT (Apr. 2012-Dec. 2013) –Dpt. Ecology and Evolution. University of Lausanne (Switzerland).

RESEARCH ASSISTANT (Sep. 2011-Dec. 2012) –Dpt. Botany. Faculty of Pharmacy. Universidad de Granada (Spain).

RESEARCH ASSISTANT (May. 2011-Aug. 2011) –Dpt. Botany. Faculty of Sciences. Universidad de Granada (Spain).


PhD in Biology (Jan. 2014-Mar. 2019) – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain).

Title: Phenotypic variation and transgenerational responses of plants to different types of precipitation predictability.
Dissertation date: March 19, 2019. Grade ‘Summa Cum Laude’.
Grant: FPI – 2013CGL2012-32459. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Related Awards: Best Thesis Award URJC 2019 / Cabrera Award of the Best Thesis in Evolutionary Biology 2019/2020.

Research stay: University of Konstanz (Germany) in 2016 – 3 months (Host: Prof. Dr. Mark van Kleunen, Plant Ecology Lab).

MSc Degree in Biodiversity Conservation, Management and Restoration (Sep. 2010-Sep. 2011) – Universidad de Granada.

MSc thesis title: Aerobiological and phenological study applied to the management of Vitis vinifera crops: analysis of associated plant biodiversity.
Graduated with Excellence.

Environmental and Biological Sciences (Sep. 2005-Jul. 2010) – Universidad de Granada (Erasmus in Southampton (UK)).

BSc thesis title: Description, distribution and ecology of Taxus baccata in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: proposals for their recovery and conservation.
Graduated with Excellence.


Accreditation by ANECA of: “Contratado a Doctor” / “Ayudante a Doctor” / “Profesor Universidad Privada”.

650 teaching hours:

473h in Goethe University Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany). MSc in Ecology and Evolution. Evolutionary Ecology and Global Change Course / Plant Ecology Course / Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Course (Academic years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24).

133h in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid (URJC, Madrid, Spain). BSc degree in Biology / BSc degree in Environmental Sciences (Academic years 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2024/25).

70h in Universidad de Valladolid (UVA, Valladolid, Spain). MSc Forestry Engineering (Academic year 2018/19, 2019/29, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23).

Supervision of Students/Postdocs

Academic mentor for a Postdoc researcher: Dr Stefania Przybylska - Project: Unfolding the role of plant-soil interactions in the evolution of plant resource strategies (NitroNiche) [2024-2025]. â€‹

Official supervisor of 2 ongoing PhD Students:

Felipe Morales Armijo (2020-now): “Management and conservation of Potrero Chico cliffs (Nuevo León, Mexico)” [planned dissertation in December 2024; 2 papers published + 1 in preparation].

Stela Vlajos Gómez (2024-now): “Unravelling the functional dimension of cliff ecosystems” [planned dissertation in November 2028; 1 paper in preparation].

Co-supervisor of 2 finished PhD Students:

Pascal Karitter (2020-2024): “Combining transplant experimentswith the resurrection approach to investigate rapid plant adaptations” [PhD awarded on 15 April 2024; 2 papers published + 1 under review]. 


Dr. Charlotte Møller (2020-2023): “Adaptation of understorey herbs to forest management” [PhD awarded on 20 Sep. 2023; 3 papers published + 2 under review].

Supervisor of 6 finished MSc Theses: Miguel Moreno (2016) [Polytechnic University of Valencia]; Lena Reimann (2021), Silas Büse (2022), Tobias Müller (2023), and Max Marczak (2023) [Goethe University Frankfurt]; Stela Vlahou (2023) [Autonomous University Madrid, UAM].

Supervisor of 9 finished BSc Theses: Guillermo Mercé (2015) [Polytechnic University of Valencia]; Robert Neugebauer (2022), Abdullah Mutahar (2022), Mariya Antsupova (2022), Sophia Maltezaki (2022), Annika Braasch (2024), Jaqueline Mayer (2024) [Goethe Univ. Frankfurt]; Ana Amat (2022), Ana Jiménez Cáceres (2024) [University of Granada].



SUMMARY: 24 participations in National and International Congresses/Seminars. Invited Speaker in 3 congresses, 3 symposiums and 4 scientific seminars/colloquiums. 1 Best Talk Award.

XX International Botanical Congress (IBC 2024). July 2024. Madrid (Spain).

Seminar University of Jena (Germany). January 2024. Evolution, Ecology and Systematics (EES) Colloquium. Invited Speaker.

AEET Congress. October 2023. Almería (Spain).

PopBio Conference. May 2023. Hohenheim (Germany).

Symposium Muntanya: Conservation & Management in Natural Protected Areas. October 2022. Invited Speaker. Palma de Mallorca (Spain).

Seminar Bielefeld University (Germany). July 2022. Dpt. Evolutionary Biology. Invited Speaker.

PopBio Conference. May 2022. Bolzano (Italy).

Seminar Konstanz University (Germany). Jan. 2022. Dpt. Plant Ecology. Invited Speaker.

Symposium National Geographic Society Spanish Hub. Mayo 2021. Online.

PopBio Conference. May 2021. Prague (Czech Republic).

Symposium Show and Tell –National Geographic Society. February 2021. Online.

PopBio Conference. May 2019. Warsaw (Poland).

Workshop National Museum Natural Science. February 2019. Madrid (Spain).

SIBECOL. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society. Feb 2019. Barcelona (Spain).

CIMAS. 1st International Congress about Mountains. March 2018. Granada (Spain).

SESBE. 6th Congress of the Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology. Jan 2018. Palma de Mallorca (Spain).

Seminar Konstanz University (Germany). Oct. 2016. Dpt. Plant Ecology. Invited Speaker.

Symposium - Biodiversal Ecological. May. 2016. Madrid (Spain).

SESBE. 5th Congress of the Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology. Jan 2016. Murcia (Spain).

Symposium – Pyrenean Institute of Ecology. Apr. 2015. Jaca (Spain).

Symposium - Biodiversal Ecological. Mar. 2015. Madrid (Spain).

1st International intercultural health forum against food crisis. Dec. 2011. Tabasco (Mexico).



Award from the 2024 call to encourage participation in international programs at the URJC. [€ 1,500; Nov. 2024].

Award for the preparation EU proposals of the Framework Programme for R&D Horizon Europe Call 2024. [€ 3,127.85; Sep. 2024].

Project Award. Early Carrier Researchers Support Program. Funding: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. [€19,800; Oct 2021].

Cabrera Award of the Best Thesis in Evolutionary Biology 2019/2020. [€ 2,500; Jan. 2022].

Best Thesis 2019 Award in Rey Juan Carlos University. [Mar. 2021].

Project Award. Fokus A/B Grant. Funding: GRADE Foundation. [€6,800; Sep. 2021].

Project Award. Freunde und Förderer Grant. Funding: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. [€2,880; May 2021].

Project Award. National Geographic New Covid-19 Grant. Funding: National Geographic Society [$19,800; Nov. 2020].

Best Conference Talk Award. National Museum of Natural Sciences Workshop. Madrid (Spain) [Feb. 2019].

Project Award. Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology – Taking the initiative. Funding: Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology (AAET) [€2,000; Dec. 2018].

Project Award. National Geographic Early Career Grant. Funding: National Geographic Society [$9,800; Aug. 2018].

Project Award. American Alpine Club (AAC) Research Grant Award. Funding: AAC [€1,220; Mar. 2018].

Travel Grant for Research Stay. Funding: International School of Rey Juan Carlos University [Jun. 2016].

PhD Grant (BES-2013-062910). Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [Oct. 2013].

Research Collaboration Grant. Project: BIOENAH-Botanical Garden Cruz Badiano: community recovery use of traditional medicinal plants species from native pharmacopoeia in Mexico. Funding: CICODE [May 2011].


SUMMARY: 22 dissemination articles, including publications as interviews, in newpapers, magazines, websites and blogs.

Author: Jack McGovan (The Guardian); Interviewee: Martí March-Salas, based on our published article March-Salas et al. (2023) Cons. Biol. Title: Rock climbers like to connect with nature – but are they also destroying it?. Published in “The Guardian” (2023).


Author: EINBLICK; Interviewee: Martí March-Salas. Title: Klettern gefährdet Biodiversität an Felsnadel. Published in “Aumni Magazin EINBLICK” (2022).


Author: MNCN comunica; Interviewee: Martí March-Salas. Title: Plants increase the variability of their reproductive traits to adapt to climate change. Published in “MNCN comunica” (2020). LINK


​Author: MNCN comunica; Interviewee: Martí March-Salas. Title: Climatic unpredictability advances the flowering time but does not reduce plant fitness. Published in “MNCN comunica” (2020). LINK


Author: different media; Interviewee: Martí March-Salas. Title: Spanish researchers will investigate the climbing effects on biodiversity. Published in “ABC”, “Europa Press”, “La Vanguardia”, “Granada Digital”, “Ideal”, “Naturalmente”, “Bolsamanía”, “Ecodiario”, “El click verde” (2019).


Author: Martí March-Salas. Title: The power of the roots. Published in “Naturalmente” (2019).


Author: Martí March-Salas. Title: Phenotypic variation and transgenerational responses of plants to different types of precipitation predictability. Published in “Naturalmente” (2019).


Author: MNCN comunica; Interviewee: Martí March-Salas, Guillermo Benitez and Paloma Cariñanos. Title: Stramonium, a key plant for the pre-Columbian medicine. Published “MNCN comunica” (2019).


Authors: Martí March-Salas. Title: The impact of climbing in cliffside ecosystems. Published “ALPINIST” – American Alpine Club (2019).


Author: Alba García Miguel; Interviewee: Martí March-Salas. Title: Science and mountain. Published online in ‘Nanuk experience’ blog ( (2018).


Authors: Martí March-Salas. Title: Experiments on the adaptability of plants to simulated environmental variability. “Gaceta Pirenaica” (2015).


Authors: Joan Carles March & Martí March-Salas. Title: The importance of avoiding risk situations. Published in “Diario Médico” (2008).


Authors: Joan Carles March & Martí March-Salas. Title: Aznalcóllar 10, risks communications 0. Published in “Periódico IDEAL” (2008).


Authors: Martí March-Salas. Title: The importance of green. Published in “Ambientalia” (2008).



Editor: Project: Associated Editor of Basic and Applied Ecology from April 2023, currently as main editor of the Special Issue ‘Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Cliff Flora’, and review editor of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution from January 2023. 

Reviewer in Peer-Reviewed Journalsor: 20+ papers for 18 international ISI Web of Science journals, including: New Phytologist, Plant and soil, Journal of Ecology, Applied Vegetation Science, Ecology and Evolution, PeerJ; Journal of Plant Ecology, European Journal of Forest Research, Sustainability, Annals of Botany, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Ecological Indicators, Plant Biology, Ecological Indicators, Oecologia, American Journal of Botany, Plant Biosystems.

Reviewer in Project Proposals: Proposals reviewed in National Geographic Society Level I Grant (2022 and 2023 calls). 

Organization of Congresses/Meetings:

  • Congress coordination team: 36th Plant Population Biology Conference (PopBio 2024) [May 2-4, 2024; Frankfurt am Main, Germany].

  • Symposium organizer (2): [1] XX International Botanical Congress (IBC 2024). Symposia: "Patterns and processes driving cliff plant communities" [July 21-27, 2024; Madrid, Spain]. [2] III meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) jointly with the XVII National Congress of the Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology (AEET). Symposia. "Intra-specific and intra-individual variation in a climate change context". [Jun. 2-7, 2025; Pontevedra, Spain]

  • Meeting organizer: Evolutionary Ecology and Biodiversity Meeting. Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE-CSIC) [April 13, 2015; Jaca, Spain].

Scientific Committee:

  • International Biogeography Society conference (IBS) [Jan. 8-12, 2019; Málaga, Spain].

  • III meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) jointly with the XVII National Congress of the Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) [Jun. 2-7, 2025; Pontevedra, Spain]

Membership of Scientific Societies: ‘Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria’ (GfÖ) from 2023-now; ‘Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre’ (AAET) from 2012-now; ‘Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology’ (SESBE) from 2021 to 2022; ‘Society for the Study of Evolution’ (SSE) from 2018 to 2020; ‘Ambientalia-Náyade (Ecological, sustainability and environmental Association)’ from 2005 to 2010.

Author of the Book Chapter: Felipe Morales-Armijo & Martí March-Salas (2024) "Mitigating the Effect of Rock Climbing on Cliff Ecology” in ‘Best Practices for the development of climbing Worldwide by Global Climbing Initiative’ (published online in October 2023).

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